Hello Pro-life Heroes,

We begin by expressing gratitude to all the Churches and Church Representatives who participated in the 2024 Mother’s Day Flower fundraiser! You helped to recognize all mothers, supported the mission of LIFESPAN, and spread the Gospel of Life in Southeast Michigan!

A special thanks to everyone who attended the annual Celebration of Life Dinner on Tuesday, May 7. Fr. Frank Pavone reminded us to stand strong against the Culture of Death, negation, and nihilism which dominates our culture from abortion mills to college protests. Fr. Frank gave a poignant example of a college president who stood up in front of a Fascist student protest in 1930s Spain as the protestors chanted the slogan, “Viva le Muerte!” which translates into English as, “Long Live Death!” Fr. Frank powerfully reminded us as pro-lifers to stand for Truth and Life against the Cult of Death pervading our country today. Fr. Frank reminded us that demonic forces seem to be on the offensive and this Cult of Death has sadly found a home in the Democratic Party. It is vital that we spread the message to vote pro-life in November 2024.

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 16. The Father’s Day Order Form is available in the May Church Notes at https://milifespan.org/church-representatives/. We need all orders placed no later than Monday, June 3. Pick-up at the office will then be available during our normal business hours from June 5-13.

Attention to all golfers: Finally, keep all Dads, Moms, and others who are Golfers in mind for LIFESPAN’s 2024 Links for Life Charity Golf Outing takes place on Friday, August 30 this year. It is the Friday of Labor Day weekend, so save the date for golf, food, and fellowship to help us save babies and protect the elderly! The Links for Life flier is inside the notes.

While we do not see the fruits of it in Michigan, be sure to celebrate the June 24 anniversary of the Dobbs ruling. It has allowed tens of thousands of preborn lives to be saved and 14 States are 100% abortion free!

Summer Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday          9 am-3 pm       Closed July 1-5 (Independence Day)

Viva la Vida! Long Live Life!

Happy Father’s Day! Thanks for Life Dad!!!


Yours for LIFE, 

Timothy Pruse

Wayne County Chapter Director

Files included with this mailing:

Rep Letter JUNE 2024

Rep Letter JUNE 2024

Church Notes JUNE 2024

Church Notes JUNE 2024

June 2024 Church Notes1