Michigan Legislation

Current Legislation

Historical Legislation

For more information, click on the links of the bill numbers below to see and print the actual bill or act.

Topics Covered:
Abortion | Adoption | Death and Dying | Ethics and Technology | Family Planning | Hospice and Pain Management | Prenatal Issues


A listing of Michigan Legislation on Life Issues – In order of topic.

Death and Dying
Ethics and Technology
Family Planning

A listing of Michigan Legislation on Life Issues – In order of topic.

Bills and Acts older than 1995 are not available on the Michigan Legislature page, legislature.mi.gov/.

– Info from RTL-Michigan – for more information on specific Bills and Acts, go to rtl.org

Legislation Opposed by RTL-LIFESPAN

For more information, click on the links of the bill numbers below to see and print the actual bill or act.