S.B. 452 – Sen. Rebekah Warren

H.B. 4760 – Rep. Pam Faris

Current Status
S.B. 452 and H.B. 4760 were introduced on June 14, 2017 and were referred to each house’s respective health policy committee.

S.B. 452 and H.B. 4760 are identical bills that would repeal Michigan’s 24-hour waiting period prior to obtaining an abortion.

Many states have enacted waiting periods to allow women an opportunity to reflect on an abortion decision prior to having one. Some states require a three-day waiting period while other states allow for same-day abortions. Current law in Michigan requires that women wait 24 hours between initial contact with the abortion clinic and the procedure. Most elective surgeries take weeks between initial consultation and the procedure.

The 24-hour waiting period has been in effect in Michigan since 1999, when it was passed as part of our informed consent law. The 24-hour period begins after receiving information about abortion either from the clinic or online from the state’s website.