H.B. 4762 – Rep. Vanessa Guerra

Current Status
H.B. 4762 was introduced on June 14, 2017 and was referred to the House Health Policy Committees.

H.B. 4762 prevents any law or ordinance that would require doctors to give patients information if the doctor doesn’t feel it is appropriate for his or her patient. It also prevents any law or ordinance from preventing a medical procedure.

H.B. 4762 is a preemptive strike against a dismemberment abortion ban or a 20-week pain-capable ban. It is also a preemptive strike against a requirement to have abortionists give women information about the abortion pill reversal protocol.

D&E (dismemberment) abortion bans and 20-week bans based on evidence of fetal pain have been passed in various states throughout the country. While Michigan doesn’t currently have either law in place, H.B. 4762 is hoping to prevent such laws. In addition, the abortion pill reversal protocol has been developed and has proved effective. A couple of states have passed laws requiring doctors who perform pill abortions to also provide information about reversal. Again, Michigan has yet to put that law into place, and H.B. 4762 would block such a law.