Hello, Everyone!
It’s been a crazy month at the Wayne County Chapter of LIFESPAN. I had surgery to remove my thyroid and I am still trying to get my voice back. Anne Marie was sick for a couple of weeks at the same time I was out. This resulted in our office being closed quite often. Anne Marie is well and I am coming back in, too, so we are getting back on track! I hope that most of you will make it to the Church Rep. Meeting this Sunday, April 23rd from 3:30-5:30PM at St. Rafka’s Church.
- Sign Painting Party – SOLD OUT!
- Mother’s Day – We are offering LIVE carnations this year. We also have an assortment of products for people to choose from: phone stand, pen with stylus, measuring tape. Call the office for more info!
- LIFESPAN Annual Dinner, Silent Auction – Tuesday, May 16th, at San Marino Club in Troy. Kristan Hawkins, the President of Students for Life of America will be our guest speaker. We will also have a Silent Auction and Tin Can Drawing. Get your reservation in NOW!
- LIFESPAN Garage Sale– May 18th-20th is the date of this year’s GARAGE SALE! We are seeking donations and volunteers to help price and work the garage sale. Check out the flier enclosed for more information. There were amazing items last year; you will want to come out to check out this year’s treasures!
- Trips are being planned… Tigers’ Game, Casino Trip…. STAY TUNEDYours in LIFE,
Eileen Brandt
Director, Wayne County/Downriver Chapter
Files included in this mailing:
- 05-17 WC 1 Church Rep Letter May 2017 041817 PDF
- 05-17 WC 1 Church Rep Letter May 2017 041817 WORD
- 05-17 WC 2 Church Notes May 2017 041817 PDF
- 05-17 WC 2 Church Notes May 2017 041817 WORD
- 05-17 WC 3 2017 Dinner Flier 3.11.17
- 05-17 WC 4 Garage Sale Flier v.1 030117