Hello Pro-life Heroes,
A special thanks to all Churches and Church Representatives who sponsored and participated in the Mother’s Day Carnation Sales. Father’s Day is Sunday, June 19 and we will again sell World’s Finest chocolate bars. Please call our office between now and Tuesday, May 31 to place an order. Pick-up is extremely low-maintenance and can be made any day our office is open in June up to Friday, June 17.
We invite all of you to bring your friends and family and join us for our annual Bowling for Life event on Saturday, June 11 at Woodland Lanes in Livonia. Details are included on the flier in these Church Notes. Please also help us by posting the flier and spreading the news within your church and community.

We also invite all of you to bring your friends and family and join us on Monday, August 1 for the 2nd Annual Links for Life Charity Golf Outing at Fellows Creek Golf Club in Canton. There will be a 9am Shotgun Start with lunch, dinner, raffles, and prizes included. Not a golfer, but support LIFESPAN’s pro-life mission? We invite you to consider supporting us as an event sponsor or by donating an item or experience to our raffle/silent auction at Links for Life!

We continue to accept applications for the position of the next Wayne Chapter Youth Director. If you know someone looking to become more involved in the pro-life movement, enjoys working with children, and desires a rewarding part-time position, please invite them to apply or to call the Wayne Chapter office for more information. Our office phone number is 734-422-6230 and resumes and inquiries may also be e-mailed to tpruse@milifespan.org.
Again, please visit supportmiwomenandchildren.org/ for the latest on the Anything Goes Abortion Amendment petition drive. Call, e-mail, or stop by our office for free, official educational materials from the Citizens to Support Michigan Women and Children coalition. Also plan on joining us for the annual Pro-Life Legislative Luncheon at a date TBD this Fall prior to General Election Day. It has been moved to the Fall in order to educate about the necessity of defeating this proposed amendment if it reaches the November ballot.
Remind everyone you know: Do NOT sign this petition!
Yours in LIFE,
Timothy Pruse
Wayne County Chapter Director
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