Right to Life – LIFESPAN

Oakland/Macomb Oct 2022


Hi Folks!

It seems that the leaves are falling much earlier than usual this year and it was full dark by 8:30pm last night.  Summer really is fading!

Well, I am sure you all know by now that the abortion amendment will be on the ballot in November.  We were extremely disappointed that the state Supreme Court did not keep it off, but we must now move forward with every means at our disposal to defeat it.

Attached to this mailing you will find several promotional fliers, statements, handouts etc, etc.  Please feel free to reprint them and DISTRIBUTE THEM FREELY.  If allowed, see if you can get some of them into your weekly bulletin, displayed in your gathering areas, give them to friends and relatives etc.  There will be more and other things upcoming which we will mail to you.  We really can defeat this horrible, death dealing, amendment if we work very hard.  The coalition is working very hard to defeat it. It takes lots of people and lots of money to do this.  Please offer any of our material to your Pastors and Ministers.  If anyone has questions or wants to talk with us, please give them the office number 248-816-1546.  Look for lots of emails and information to follow.

October 2 is Lifechain Sunday.  If you need signs, please call us. We ordered new ones, so we have a good supply of them.  We will have yard signs here in the office.

The Celebrate Life dinner is October 11th at the San Marino Club.  (See flier). Our main speaker, Steve Ertelt, founder, and director of Lifenews.com will help us understand how serious “fake news” is to our efforts and how to recognize it and refute it.  Dr. Ray Guarndi will be our MC.  Many of you will know him from his radio program.

The Cider walk is October 22.  Please see the attached flier.  We see so many walks and bike rides etc that are so successful, and we hope that we will have the same success with ours.

Lynn is still working diligently to find accommodations for our Washington DC travelers.

Last but not least, our beautiful Christmas cards will be here the last week of October. I am attaching the order form again.  Please fill it out and send it back to me.

Love Life!

Diane and Lynn

Files included with this mailing: