Wayne 10-2023

Hello Pro-life Heroes, Continue to pray for Ohio that voters may reject Issue 1 this November which will do the same to them that the passage of Proposal 3 is doing to Michigan. Encourage people to visit the Protect Women Ohio website https://protectwomenohio.org and...

Wayne 09-2023

Hello Pro-life Heroes, First and foremost, PRAY FOR OHIO!!! Unfortunately, the abortionists won the first round on August 8, making it easy to change the State Constitution this November. On November 7, Ohio will now vote on a radical, no-limits abortion amendment...

Wayne 08-2023

Hello Pro-life Heroes, Consider this a final push for your support for our 3rd Annual Links for Life Golf Outing on Friday, August 18. We need YOU to golf, sponsor, attend only for dinner, and invite your friends, family, church members, and ministers to join us as...

Wayne 07-2023

Hello Pro-life Heroes, A special thank you to all the Heroes who assisted with the Father’s Day fundraiser at your churches! Please note a couple of important events that will be planned this summer. Our 3rd Annual Links for Life Golf Outing takes place on Friday,...

Wayne 06-2023

Hello Pro-life Heroes, A special thank you to all you Pro-Life Heroes who spearheaded or assisted with the Mother’s Day Carnation fundraiser at your churches! Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18 and we will be offering the traditional Chocolate Bars. The Father’s Day...