The skies have been very grey these days, but the sun is there somewhere—we just have to believe. The same goes for our pro-life work. Knowing that Michigan is now an abortion destination and that our current administration has promised to make abortion even more available and is working to see that no current restrictions (few as they are) contradict the provisions of Proposal 3 is discouraging. Their efforts will include the fact that Michigan currently has a law requiring parental consent and/or notification for a minor to seek an abortion and they feel that this violates Proposal 3. I seem to remember that we all raised that concern before the election but were told, “Oh no, that would never happen!” We shall see. It is clear that we must work even harder to return our society to one that believes LIFE must be protected—and we believe that we can do it!
If your faith community is considering displaying the White Crosses this year, now is the time to reserve your date with our cross coordinator Donna Jazowski, (248) 393-(248) 393-5766 Be sure to have an alternate date in case the one you want is already taken. I know that there are always certain dates that everyone wants, but we can only do our best in getting you what you want.
There is a March and Rally in Lansing on January 28th, sponsored by Protect Life Michigan. I will include more information as an attachment to this memo.
The Baby Showers are coming up in March. If you have never sponsored a shower and think you would like to, please contact Chris Hansen at the main office, 734-524-0162 and she will help you with the details.
Looking ahead, our dinner this year is scheduled for May 9, 2023. As usual we will have a silent auction so we will happily accept your items. Also, think about any advertisers you may know who might want to take an ad.
Our Be The Change training for 7th grade through college aged students is coming up. March 3 and 4 are the dates and there are two locations. Divine Child Church and Auburn Hills Christian Center. Bryan Kemper is the main presenter. I have attached a flyer for the event. Please be sure to show it to your youth ministers. If there are questions, please call Lynn at the Oakland/Macomb office, 248-816-1546.
For those of you who have struggled for literally decades in the pro-life movement, please don’t be discouraged. As hard as it is to accept, we are not in control—but we know who is! Believe!!
Love Life!
Diane and Lynn
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