Hello Pro-life Heroes,

We begin by expressing gratitude to all the Churches and Church Representatives who participated in the 2024 Father’s Day Flower fundraiser! You helped to recognize all fathers, supported the mission of LIFESPAN, and spread the Gospel of Life in Southeast Michigan!

The Primary Election edition of the LIFESPAN Candidate Survey Newsletter arrives in July. Please spread the word about this great resource! Contact our office to request extra newsletters to hand out or refer people to https://milifespan.org/ to take a closer look at the candidates.

A main Chapter priority this summer is to encourage greater participation in this year’s 2024 LIFESPAN Links for Life Charity Golf Outing! It is the 4th Annual event put on by Wayne Chapter and all earnings help the Chapter in our missions of education and community outreach. It is Friday, August 30, the Friday of Labor Day weekend, so save the date for golf, food, and fellowship to help us save babies and protect the elderly. If you are not a golfer, consider sponsoring your pastor, associate, or another member of your faith community. We are also in need of Hole Sponsors, sponsors of raffle/auction prizes, and sponsors of giveaway items for golfers. These are great opportunities to promote your business, organization, church, or to publicly memorialize a loved one. The Links for Life flier and registration form are included.

This Independence Day, have no fear or trepidation even as our nation continues to support the most heinous human rights abuse in modern society, the slaughter of innocent preborn children in abortion. Keep up the fight for our God-given unalienable Right to Life! A comparable situation confronted our forebears in the Abolition Movement who long waged the unpopular and seemingly futile campaign against chattel slavery in the United States. In God’s time, the Truth will overcome the lies of the abortion lobby. This July 4, pray this excerpt from “A Prayer to End Abortion” by Priests for Life: “I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice not just for some, but for all!”

Summer Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday          9 am-3 pm       Closed July 1-6 (Independence Day)

Viva la Vida! Long Live Life! Happy Independence Day!!!


Yours for LIFE, 

   Timothy Pruse

   Wayne County Chapter Director

Files included with this mailing:

Rep Letter JULY 2024 – WORD

Rep Letter JULY 2024 – PDF

Church Notes JULY 2024 – WORD

Church Notes JULY 2024 – PDF