Hi Folks,

Well, if we can ever see through the smoke from the Canadian wildfires, we may begin to enjoy some summer weather.  I am not discounting the devastation of the fires or the danger of the poor air quality to at risk folk, but I really want summer- maybe because my birthday is the 1st and my son’s is the 4th, and I like to celebrate outside!!!

You will soon see a summary of what they saw and learned from the Mata family who went to the National Right to Life Convention in June.  They all said it was a great experience and they learned a great deal.  LIFESPAN was very happy we could send them.

I know you will all be surprised by this, but how many of you have heard of Christmas in July.  It was the name of a perfume once, but I mention it now because the dinner is over as are the carnations and candy and it is time to turn our attention to selecting and ordering Christmas cards!!!!  I will be speaking with representatives from the two companies we work with and hope to select two designs sooner rather than later.  Now is the time for you to get your dates for offering them on your faith community’s calendar.  I will attach the order form now, and several more times as we get closer to Christmas.

I hope some of you were able to take part in the Motor City Caravan on the 24th.  It looks like this will become a yearly event so look for it again next year.

I want to encourage you to not become discouraged!!  The news on the pro-life front here in Michigan is not very friendly to our efforts.  We have faced hard times before and made significant gains.  We MUST do it again.  There are times that I think that it is too hard but then that little voice in my ear (can’t imagine who is putting it there!!) that says, “if not you—then who”. 

Love Life!

Diane and Lynn