Hello, Everyone!
Hopefully, you all have enjoyed the snow and are looking forward to warmer weather (positive thinking all around—maybe we can make it happen!).
Thank you so much for all of you who helped get the luminaries out to people! Our goal is to educate people about abortion around the memorial of the Roe v. Wade decision by the US Supreme Court.
A Night of Hockey! We had a great time out at the USA Hockey Arena on February 2nd. We couldn’t be closer to the ice unless we were playing on the ice. We sold out of the “Chuck a Puck” hockey pucks before 2nd period even started—what a great success! Thank you so much to everyone who came out to support Team USA and LIFESPAN!
Church Rep Meeting: We are planning out our April Church Rep Meeting—stay tuned and watch for your invitation! We want to celebrate our amazing Church Reps; we need you and everything you do!
Garage Sale: We are starting to plan for our Garage Sale. More details will be coming to you soon, but as you think about Spring Cleaning, please remember to keep items that you can donate to our Garage Sale!
The Largest Baby Shower in Michigan: Area churches/organizations are co-hosting LIFESPAN’s Baby Showers. If your church hasn’t yet signed up to co-host this amazing event that benefits over twenty local Pregnancy Help Centers, please contact us today!
This is a “raffle year” for LIFESPAN. This year we will be sending a letter to all LIFESPAN members, telling them of the raffle and including 2 raffle tickets in the hope that they might be able to find someone, or two, who want to take a chance on $10,000!
Join us for a wonderful night at the Annual Celebration of Life Dinner for LIFESPAN at the San Marino Club. We will be joined by Jeff Allen whose clean comedy has been enjoyed by many people across the United States. There will be amazing food, fellowship and a Silent Auction. Reserve a table for you and your friends and family.
Yours in LIFE,
Eileen Brandt
Director, Wayne County/Downriver Chapter
Files included in this mailing:
March Church Rep Letter 021318 1 WORD
March Church Rep Letter 021318 1 PDF
March Church Notes 021318 1 WORD
March Church Notes 021318 1 PDF