Youth Outreach October 2018

October 2018 – LIFESPAN Youth Mailing

Students across the U.S. are giving up their voices on Tuesday, October 16th! On this day, students take a vow of silence to represent the 3,000 voices lost to abortion every day. You can spot students who participate by red armbands or tape across their mouths.

     2018 Silent Day of Solidarity Flyer SFLA

If you participate in the Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity use the following hashtags on social media:





Much is happening in your local area and beyond that gives you, your families, your friends, your school groups, college groups, and faith communities opportunities to show your respect for Human Life from the moment of conception till natural death. Check out the attached fliers to find out more.

LIFE Chain (10/7/18)  LC 2018 Main Flier v19 100318

Opening day for “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” in theaters (10/12/18)

Pro-Life Luncheon (10/13/18)  luncheon flier with registration info

Ignite and Equip Training Event (10/13/18)  Ignite and Equip Conference 2018 Flier   2018 Ignite Equip Conference Application

Deadline for Youth Bus Trip (10/15/18)  2019 Bus Trip Flier PDF format

Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity (10/16/18) 2018 Silent Day of Solidarity Flyer SFLA

If you want further information about the LIFESPAN 2019Movement in Motion” Youth Bus Trip or you want to receive the Bus Trip Registration Forms, please contact Lynn Gura or Anne Marie Morin immediately as time is getting close to the deadline! 

Check out these great articles we personally picked for you!


To find out what theaters the movie “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” will be showing, go to  If you haven’t read many details about this true life story of abortionist Kermit Gosnell or seen the trailer for the movie based on the facts of the case, you can check these out on the website.


Your friends at LIFESPAN,

Lynn A. Gura

    Youth Director

     Right to Life-LIFESPAN Educational Fund


Anne Marie Morin

     Associate Youth Director

     Right to Life-LIFESPAN Educational Fund


Instagram @miLIFESPAN