Youth Outreach Nov 2020

Dear Students and Parents, Young Adults, Youth Ministers and Campus Ministers, Teachers and Principals, Deacons, Pastors and Priests, and all who work with Young People,

We at Right to Life – LIFESPAN want to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to our new US Supreme Court Justice!

In an article titled “Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett Sworn in at White House Ceremony”, by Ben Feuerherd of The Washington Post, October 26, 2020, it began with this news: 

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in to the nation’s highest court in a White House ceremony less than two hours after being confirmed by the Senate.

Barrett, who was confirmed on a 52-48 vote, was sworn in by Justice Clarence Thomas at about 9 p.m. on the South Lawn of the White House.

“This is a momentous day for America, for the United States Constitution and for the fair and impartial rule of law,” President Trump said in remarks before her swearing in.

“As president, I have no more solemn obligation and no greater honor than to appoint Supreme Court justices,” he added.

Trump highlighted Barrett’s experience and “towering intellect.” She will become the fifth woman to serve on the nation’s highest court.

Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life had this to say on the March for Life website:  “Pro-life Americans, who know all too well the danger of activist judges, welcome the confirmation of this exceptional judge. But all Americans can celebrate the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett who possesses the skill and character needed to sit on the high court. She will protect the constitutional rights of everyone without prejudice and has pledged to fairly apply the law and interpret the constitution as it was written. We thank President Trump for nominating Judge Barrett, and Leader McConnell and all Senators who voted in favor of confirming soon-to-be Justice Barrett. We are also grateful to Judge Barrett and her family for their generous service to our country.” 

Our plans continue to move forward (hopeful, optimistic) with the LIFESPAN “Movement in Motion” Youth Bus Trip to DC for the annual 47th March for Life in January.  Individuals have signed up with us for our two Standard buses – students, parents, young adults and chaperones.  We are closely monitoring the current situation in our midst and will put as many precautions as we can in place for the Youth Bus Trip.  We will be keeping all our travelers informed over the next two months as to what our plans/precautions are before traveling to DC in late January.

Our Wayne County Youth Director, Anne Marie, and her husband, Andrew, welcomed their first child, Rose Marie, on November 2, 2020! We celebrate and congratulate them with very happy hearts! 😊 God bless the precious family!  Anne Marie will have some time off in November and December to be with their newborn daughter.  Please temporarily direct any questions related to the LIFESPAN Generation Truth Youth Outreach in Wayne County, to Lynn Gura, Oakland/Macomb Youth Director at the phone number or email address below.

The month of November is a time to remember all the countless things we are grateful for…our parents, our lives, our Faith, our family, our health, our friends, our food, our clothing, our homes, etc.  It’s also a month to remember, with much thanksgiving, those mothers who have made a decision for Life for their pre-born babies and have selflessly, lovingly given them to couples who were/are waiting to adopt. 

Here are some pro-life new links for you to take a look at and share with others through email and social media:

March for Life Video:

Until next month, keep on loving Life!

Lynn A. Gura, Youth Director

Right to Life-LIFESPAN Educational Fund


Anne Marie Reiff, Wayne County Youth Director

Right to Life-LIFESPAN Educational Fund


Find us on-line at:

Instagram: @miLIFESPAN