Youth Outreach June 2022

Dear students of all ages, young adults, parents, teachers, principals, vice principals, campus ministers, religious ed directors, youth directors and youth ministers, deacons, pastors, priests and all others included in this June Youth Mailing!

SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!  And, the pro-life movement won’t be on school break from June – August that’s for sure!  There is way too much happening!  I have attached upcoming events/activities that you can get on your calendar now and participate in when they are taking place.  Your family and friends can be a part of these events/activities with you as well as church youth groups, school clubs, young adult groups, women’s groups, men’s groups, and faith communities.  June, August, September and October – busy with activities!

  • Bowling for Life – June 11
  • Links for Life – August 1
  • National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children- September
  • National Life Chain – October
  • Annual Celebrate Life Fundraiser Dinner – October
  • Movement in Motion Youth Bus Trip for the March for Life – registration from September through October
  • Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity – October
  • Autumn Pro-Life Sidewalk Chalking Day – October

The Reproductive Freedom for All petition drive continues in Michigan.  Please see the flyer attached.  You can go to the website for further information.  Right to Life – LIFESPAN is part of the Coalition to educate people in our state as to what this petition is about and how dangerous it is for women and pre-born children. 

Important news links to share with you that you can in turn share with others via email and social media platforms:

Telemedicine Abortion Ban Introduced:

Abortion has consequences:

The value of moms and babies:

The Changing Language of Abortion:

Laws and Cases:

Did she say that?  Yep!  This is so not right!

End of Life…

Be the Change for LIFE!

Lynn A. Gura

Youth Director

Right to Life-LIFESPAN Educational Fund


Files included with this mailing: