Youth Outreach December 2019

Christmas is around the corner! At this time of year we start looking for gifts for our loved ones. Please keep in mind the businesses you support and patronize. Sadly, more stores than you think directly or indirectly support Planned Parenthood. No matter what your political views are, this website can help you identify and discover businesses who do not value human life from conception to natural death:


March for Life (1-24-20)

Be the Change Adult Night (2-28-20)

Be the Change Student Training Day (2-29-20)

We are so very excited to have Ryan Bomberger as our featured speaker at the Be the Change events! We could write paragraphs on how influential and impactful this speaker is but it would not be nearly as eloquently put as it is on his website. If you have never heard of the Radiance Foundation or Ryan Bomberger follow this link:

At the Adult Training Session on February 28th, Ryan will present a multimedia presentation that delves into how Planned Parenthood is Planned Propaganda. He will also discuss parenting and adoption options.

The Student Training Sessions on February 29th will include two topic talks. The first topic is The Social Injustice of Abortion. This topic provides an in-depth perspective on how abortion is a human rights issue not just a religious and political issue. The second talk is called Cause and Reaction – Be an Effective Factivist! A factivist is very similar to an activist. The difference lies in how viewpoints and beliefs are acted on. Factivists equip themselves with facts not just emotion. Attend this talk to be better prepared with knowledge and learn how to effectively use this knowledge.

Information for registration will be available soon.

In the meanwhile, free to contact Lynn Gura at 248-907-4806 or Anne Marie Reiff at 734-855-0464.

There are so many things to be thankful for this year! Here at LIFESPAN, we are very grateful for our many volunteers and supporters. Your support makes our work throughout the year possible. We encourage you to keep yourself up-to-date on pro-life news and facts. One quote or one small fact could be the tipping point for someone. You help to increase the “ripple in the pond” and spread the knowledge of what it means to be pro-life.

We are so thankful for all of YOU!

·        National Adoption Day in Massachusetts Celebrated 140 Children Placed with Forever Families

·        Trump Admin Tells UN: US Will Not Support Abortion, Unborn Babies Have “Inherent Value”

·        40 Days for Life Success: 738 Babies Saved, 5 Abortion Workers Quit!

·        Planned Parenthood Celebrates Unjust Conviction of David Daleiden, “We’re Thrilled”

·       Chick-fil-A Now Funds Pro-Abortion Groups That Work With Planned Parenthood and Gloria Steinem

Merry Christmas!

Your friends at LIFESPAN,

Lynn A. Gura, Youth Director

(cell) 248-907-4806 or (office) 248-816-1546

Anne Marie Reiff, Associate Youth Director

(cell) 734-855-0464