October 2015 – LIFESPAN Youth Mailing

As we end the month of September and begin the month of October which is called “Respect Life Month”, I wanted to send you the following information.  Please pass it on to your family, friends, classmates, youth group, etc. in whatever way you can – email and social media.  You can also follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/LIFESPAN.officialpage and Twitter at http://twitter.com/miLIFESPAN.

Things to note that are coming up very soon:

  • Crusaders for Life Detroit Youth Conference at Ss. Cyril and Methodius on Saturday, October 3rd
  • Life Chain at various locations on Sunday, October 4th
  • Students for Life of Michigan Activism and Training Conference on Saturday, October 10th

My hope is that many of you will be able to participate in at least one of the upcoming events/activities I am sending you information about and that you will reach others when you share the summary I have attached regarding Planned Parenthood.  Now is the most critical time to raise our voices for those whose voices are being silenced before they are even born (and in some cases, even shortly after their “accidental birth” or intentional birth for “fresh” baby body parts).

I am still doing a survey for you to participate in regarding if you want to still get e-mails from me or if you want to just follow us on Facebook or Twitter (or another form of social media).  If you are receiving this e-mail and have asked to be removed, please bear with me as I work through the list.  My goal is in the next few weeks to get everything on my e-mail list up to date.  Please e-mail me back with these words in the subject line “Respect LIFE” to let me know if you want to be taken off the e-mail list.  Thanks!

The Right to Life – LIFESPAN buses are filling up with many groups for the 2016 “Movement in Motion” Youth Bus Trip to DC for the annual March for Life in January!  Please register NOW if you want to get on one of the eight buses we have scheduled to leave on Thursday evening, January 21st to be in DC on Friday for the largest pro-LIFE March in our country!  Let me know if you need the registration forms!  You can also find them on this website under the events page (scroll down till you see Youth Bus Trip information).

I will end my summary with a CALL OUT TO GENERATION TRUTH:  Please stand up with me for LIFE, the most precious and beautiful gift we have been given from our Creator!  All LIVES matter and have purpose for being in existence from the moment of conception till natural death!


Your Friend for LIFE!

Lynn Gura, Youth Director

Right to Life – LIFESPAN



See files below for more information:

10-15 13 LC Flier Participants 091815 10-15 2015 Raffle Flier Christmas Gift 092215 (2)

10-15 2015 Raffle Flier Christmas Gift 092215 (2)

10-15 Christmas Card Advertisement 2015

10-15 Crusaders fall conference 2015 PDF

10-15 Planned Parenthood Document from Diane Trombley 9.23.15