Wee Care 4 Babies! All Babies!
Our Wee Care Program provides infant clothing, blankets, diapers and so much more, on an emergency basis. This program enables us to provide material help to women and their babies when their needs cannot be met by other organizations or public agencies. We also provide information regarding the development of the preborn baby and the care of the newborn infant. Over 600 families are lovingly helped each year thanks to our generous friends.
Wee Care and LIFESPAN are committed to helping moms and their babies. That is why we are working on spreading the word about Michigan’s Safe Delivery of Newborns Law. Help us save precious babies by learning more about this important Act.
See below for more information or call 734.524.0162 today!
Michigan Safe Delivery of Newborns Law
Please don’t abandon your baby!
Safe Delivery Hotline: 866-733-7733
The Basics:
• Parents can anonymously surrender a newborn within 72 hours of birth to an Emergency Service Provider (ESP)
• An ESP is an ON DUTY employee/contractor of a hospital, fire department or police station and EMS when responding to a 9-1-1 emergency call
• The newborn is examined by a physician
• Any unharmed newborn is transferred to a child placing agency
• Parents may change their minds within 28 days of surrender.
Where can I find out more information?
The Michigan Department of Human Services site has everything you need, whether you are a Mother who can’t keep her baby or a hospital employee who needs to know how to handle Safe Delivery situations. Go to: DHS – Safe Delivery