“The Michigan Bureau of Elections has resumed the vetting process for the petition drive to end dismemberment abortions. The Bureau has set June 1 as the deadline for challenges to the signatures. A sample of 500 signatures has been pulled by the Bureau, which will determine the overall validity rate of the submitted signatures. The Michigan Values Life coalition submitted 379,419 signatures on December 23, 2019. 340,047 signatures are needed to initiate the ban on dismemberment abortions in the Michigan Legislature. If enough valid signatures remain following the challenge period, the petition will be certified by the Board of State Canvassers and the dismemberment ban will be sent to the Legislature for consideration with a 40-day time limit. Majority votes in the House and Senate will pass the dismemberment ban into law without Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s signature.”
- From Right to Life of Michigan
- For more information, go to https://michiganvalueslife.org/