Dear Friends,
Never has our nation been so determined to protect human lives.
Social distancing, self-isolation, wearing masks, hand washing, churches closed, shortened school year and home schooling, limited number of shoppers allowed into those stores that are still open. Marriages postponed, birthdays recognized by “drive by” parades of vehicles with signs. Babies being born and grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins seeing them only on I-phones or I-pads; people facing death surrounded by strangers instead of their loved ones; grieving loved ones standing alone at the gravesite. All these things in an effort to protect our loved ones and all of society.
And yes, let’s not forget to praise the first responders, doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, housekeeping staffs, makers of ventilators, masks, gloves, gowns and other need items to keep our health care providers “below the curve”. They place their own well-being on line every single day.
It seems that suddenly we have discovered that human life is indeed precious, to be cared for, fought for and protected. We are willing to put aside our own wants and desires to protect those around us. We are discovering that there are ways around these difficult circumstances. That it is possible to protect others. It takes sacrifice, yes, but it can be done! The result is clearly worth our efforts—people’s lives are being saved, supported, and protected.
Our wish and prayer is that when this trial is over, we will not lose that newfound realization that we can protect human life—young, old, convenient or problematic. We are a people of courage, a people of faith, a people of compassion and we will prevail.
- Diane Trombley and the Oakland Macomb Board