Wayne Jan 2016


December 17, 2015

Happy New Year, Everyone!

I hope that this letter finds you well and that you all had an amazing and blessed Christmas! It was so very nice to see some of you at our volunteer luncheon. Our spring Church Representative event will be coming up in March—watch your mail for additional details and your invitation!

Thank you to everyone who sold Christmas cards for LIFESPAN. This is the fundraiser that supports us for the majority of the year and the way that we can get high quality religious Christmas cards out to the public. Your work is so very appreciated!

The January Church Notes are enclosed and you will find that the theme is all about abortion. With the 43rd sad anniversary of the US Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in the USA, it is important to give hope and to never forget that we are fighting for innocent human life!

UPCOMING EVENTS, FUNDRAISERS AND OPPORTUNITIES, we hope that you can participate in some, if not all:

  • 2016 Entertainment Books: Our sales are wrapping up for the 2016 Entertainment Books. If you still have any books out on consignment, please bring the unsold books and money for books sold to our office. Thank you for helping with this important fundraiser!
  • LIFESPAN $10,000 Raffle: GREAT GIFT IDEA! Tickets are on sale NOW and will be sold until our Annual Dinner in May 2016. Only 500 tickets will be sold!
  • Memorial candles: We are starting to wrap the candles for this year. Consider getting your youth group involved. They could use markers and write one pro-life fact on each bag! Donations are collected at the churches and many reps have people (sometimes the youth group) stand at each door after masses to pass out candles and collect donations. The memorial candles are lit around Metro Detroit on January 21st and/or January 22nd to memorialize all the babies lost to abortion since the Roe v. Wade Decision on January 22nd, 1973. ****Call our office and let us know that you will participate with the memorial candles!****
  • LIFESPAN’s Resource Book: The book will again be updated and tons of current information will be added. Make sure that your faith community gets an ad in early! Also, this is a great time to get businesses that you frequent to take out an ad. The donations for ads are fully tax-deductible, so make sure to let businesses know that they can get a deduction. Our Resource Book is a valuable source of information and gets distributed throughout the Metro Detroit area, so it is a great place to advertise! Patron/Photo Ads are also available for individuals/families to highlight their beautiful families!

Thank you for all you are doing to spread the pro-life message! May you have every blessing at the New Year and always!

Yours in LIFE,

Eileen Brandt

Director, Wayne County Chapter

Files included in this mailing:

01-16 WC 1 January Church Notes Church Representative Letter 121615

01-16 WC 2 Church Notes January 2016 PDF

01-16 WC 2 Church Notes January 2016 Word