Oakland/Macomb Nov 2017


Hi Folks,

     What a pretty fall we have had.  Except for those few rainy, windy days it has been so nice!

     Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  You have no idea how grateful we are for all the work you do in defense of life.  Without you there would be no LIFESPAN, no voice in our area for the moms and their babies.  “Thank you” just doesn’t seem like enough.

     The cards will start appearing in your churches very soon. As usual, there are two weekends in November that everyone wants to offer cards.  We will need a long rest after they all get their cards!!!!

     The bus trip is coming along—Lynn and Maria will be the ones needing the long rest after that is over!!!!

     I have been thinking that it would be nice to share what you are doing at your faith community with all of us.  If you have held a special program or service, or your youth groups have done some community work, let us know and I will include the info in the Oakland/Macomb section of the newsletter.

     Our Oakland/Macomb board is always looking for new members to help shape our organization and suggest new ideas.  If you are interested, please call Diane at the office and we can talk about it.

Love Life!

     Diane, Lynn and Maria

Files included in this mailing:

11-17 OM 1 Church Rep Letter November 2017 102817

11-17 OM 2 Church Notes November 2017 102817