Oakland/Macomb Aug 2015


Hi All,

Well, this is not shaping up to be a very pleasant summer.  The rain has brought hordes of enormous mosquitos and dampened a number of events, but boy is everything green!

August will be pretty quiet which is why we are on summer hours here at the office.  M-F 9-noon.  As usual though, you can always reach me on my cell phone if necessary 249-561-6197.

BIGGEST NEWS!!!!  We are having a raffle again.  This was an extremely popular event when we did it two years ago so we are doing the same thing again.  Tickets are $50.00 each and first prize is $10,000!!! The drawing will be held on May 3, 2016 at our annual Celebrate Life Dinner.  Please spread the word, purchase a ticket yourself or share with someone else.  We are only selling 400 tickets, so the possibility of being $10,000 richer in May of next year is pretty good!   (You don’t have to be at the dinner to win.)

I am attaching a number of flyers for September events.  The breakfast is September 12 at the Holiday Inn in Livonia.  This one is pretty special.  We will have one speaker explaining how our Michigan legislature is working to defund Planned Parenthood in our state and the other speaker is actually the son of Pat Barrett, one of our board members.  Pat’s son, Tom, won his election being openly and proudly pro-life.  It kind of gives new meaning that “the apple does not fall far from the tree” Pat and his wife Mary Ann are justifiably proud of Tom’s accomplishment.

CHRISTMAS CARDS!!!  Now is the time to get the date for LIFESPAN’s Christmas Cards on your faith community’s calendar!  As soon as they are delivered I will send all previous card sellers a sample.  We would really like to get 5 more churches to participate in this effort.  The income from the cards literally keeps us going for most of the coming year.

Recognition of Day of Remembrance of the Unborn will follow the Breakfast on September 12 at White Chapel cemetery.  I have attached the flyer for that as well.

We have hardly finished up with Pro-life Jeopardy when it is time to be thinking about the 2016 bus trip.  We will be sending out information specific to that event in the near future.

It has been suggested that perhaps some of you would be willing to let us put your name, a small picture, and a short explanation of what you do at your faith community in our newsletter.  It would be a great way to let all our members know how hardworking and dedicated you all are and maybe find some helpers for you.  Give it some thought and let us know. (If you don’t want your picture published, that would be ok)

One last thing, we will have an Entertainment Book pre-sale this year.  As before, if you pay for the 2016 book now, which will be available in late August, you get a free 2015 book now.

Love Life! Diane and Lynn

Files included in this mailing:

08-15 OM 1 Aug 2015 Memo

08-15 OM 2 Aug 2015 BULLETIN NOTES

08-15 OM 3 Raffle 2016 Flier 062615

08-15 OM 4 Breakfast Flier 062515

08-15 OM 5 Day of Remembrance 2015 Flier 061215

08-15 OM 6 CW Flier 061715

08-15 OM 7 MNFL 2015 Conference Flyer