Oakland/Macomb Mar 2019


Hi Folks, “Roses are red, violets are blue, I’ve had enough snow, how about you?!?!

Mainstream media has moved on to issues they think are more important than 8 states proposing or enacting laws that allow a child to be aborted moments before birth but try as I might, I can’t find anything much more important.

The issue has not come before our Michigan legislators yet, but rest assured, it will. We need to be ready and well informed. For right now, the most important thing to understand is that legislation like that just passed in New York is exactly what the Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions said in 1973.  Almost everyone thought that these decisions placed some restrictions on abortion. They did not.  It was only through years of hard work that pro-life people were able to achieve things like parental consent, waiting periods, partial birth abortion bans, abortion survivors legislation and conscience protection for health care workers as restrictions to the original Supreme Court Decisions.  All New York did, and those states following, was remove those common sense restrictions and revert to the original language of Roe and Doe. 

While we work to educate on the far reaching effects of this kind of legislation, we will continue with our regular activities which include our annual Baby Showers.  Attached is a flyer of shower sites.  If you would like to add your faith community to the list, please contact Chris at the main office-734-524-0162.  If possible, please post the flyer so folks will know where they can drop off the baby items.

ADS, ADS. ADS.  Yes, it is that time again.  Our Resource Book editors are busily working on the content of this year’s book and we are depending on all of you to let your faith community know that we would be very grateful for an add from their business, social club, book clubs, hairdresser or barber, lawyer, financial consultant, vet, dog walker or anything or anybody!!  If anyone wants to see the book or how the ads turn out, please have them call the office, 248-816-1546.  If we could get 2 new ads from each of your faith community members, we would feel like we had won the lottery!!

It is a little early yet, but our Celebrate Life! dinner is May 7th at the San Marino Club.  Along with the Silent Auction, this is always a very enjoyable event—a time to visit with friends, relax and have a good time.  Invitations will be coming out soon, so please plan on coming.

By the way, next year, Right to Life-LIFESPAN will be 50 years old!!!  We are looking for folks who would like to be on the planning committee for our anniversary celebration.  If you like to plan parties, decorate, or whatever, please let me know.  We need people!!

Lastly, attached to this message is the flyer for Be The Change.  This is a training session, from 11-2pm, for students grades 7-12, to share with  them the science and biology of a preborn baby’s growth, information on Planned Parenthood and how to share the pro-life story, speak to their friends who may be pregnant and confused and to advocate for Life.  Lunch is included in the $10.00 registration fee.  Please call the office for registration information, 248-816-1546.

Don’t forget to reserve a weekend or two for the White Cross display.   

Love Life!

Diane T                         

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