December Church Notes are now available!

Want to know what is going on at our Chapters? Church Representative Notes are a great way to keep “in the know”! Church Reps – so glad you can share these with your church communities!

#GivingTuesday is almost here! Donate today!

Giving Tuesday is coming on November 27th! Please consider donating to our RTL-LIFESPAN Educational Fund, a 501(c)3 organization. You get a tax-deduction and you support LIFESPAN in its work of supporting and protecting innocent LIFE from conception until natural...

20181108 – Telemedicine Abortion Ban Sunset Repealer

S.B. 1198 – Sen. Tom Casperson Current Status S.B. 1198 is currently on the House floor awaiting final passage. The telemedicine abortion ban sunset repealer was voted out of the House Health Policy Committee on December 4, 2018 along party lines with a vote of 9-5....

The Election is Over!

November 7, 2018 Dear LIFESPAN Friends, Well, the election is over and some of us are pleased with the results and some of us are not. We have lost some friends in our Michigan delegation and, nationally, the US House of Representatives has changed hands to a...