Conscience Clause for Abortion

P.A. 368 of 1978Protects hospitals, clinics, institutions, or other health facilities from prosecution or lawsuit if they refuse to perform or aid in abortion. MCL 333.20181-20184,...

Abortion Reporting Requirement

P.A. 368 of 1978Requires physicians to submit a report to the state department of community health within 7 days of performing an abortion. MCL...

Public School Policies

P.A. 451 of 1976P.A. 94 of 1979Prohibits public school employees from dispensing family planning drugs or devices or teaching abortion as a method of family planning. State School Aid Act (MCL 380.1507). Fine school districts if an employee dispenses contraceptives...

Guardian Status for Authorizing Abortion

P.A. 258 of 1974A guardian cannot be held liable for civil damages when authorizing medical treatment for his or her ward. Abortion is defined as an “extraordinary procedure” requiring the guardian to have increased prior authorization, as distinguished from “routine...