Many of us have lived through the years when we were promised that abortion would only be available for the first three months of pregnancy. Then we heard that, in spite of the full extent of the Roe v Wade decision, abortion would be safe, legal and rare.
Those smoke screens for the taking of innocent human life have just been blown way by the harsh wind of the recent New York decision. The new law was not just announced, but celebrated with applause and cheers in the New York Assembly and the top of the One World Trade Center was illuminated by a pink light.
In the state of New York, abortion is now legal with absolutely no restraints:
1) As to place
2) As to gestational age of the baby, up to the point of delivery, if the mother’s “health” is threatened
3) There is no biological definition of health but rather consideration of the “age, economic, social and emotional factors’, of the woman are to be considered evidence of health.
4) As to who can perform an abortion –not just a medical doctor, but midwives and physician’s assistants can perform abortions
5) As to a waiting period
6) The definition of a human person has been changed to mean “one who has been born and is alive”
7) The child need not receive any medical care or intervention if aborted alive
8) The unborn child cannot be recognized as a homicide victim if the mother is assaulted, or as having died in an accident (e.g., motor vehicle)
9) There is no provision for the conscience protection of a medical professional who opposes abortion
New York is not alone. Democratic representatives in the legislative bodies of Vermont, Rhode Island, New Mexico, New Jersey and Virginia have submitted language similar to New York’s to change their abortion laws. The legislature in Virginia tabled the bill submitted by Assembly Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Fairfax) which clearly would have allowed the abortion of a baby of a woman in active labor. Later that day, the same Assembly Delegate voted for a measure which would protect the environment of a particular caterpillar in Virginia.
Why so many, why now? It would appear that abortion supporters in these and other states fear that Roe V Wade could be overturned. If that were to happen, each state would then have to devise and approve legislation regarding abortion. These states want to be “ahead of the curve” and have laws already codified in their states so as to prevent a vote of the people.
Voting is important. Elections have consequences. This is one of them.
Diane Trombley – Right to Life – LIFESPAN