S.B. 163 – Sen. Patrick Colbeck
H.B. 4222 – Rep. Shane Hernandez
Current Status
Sadly, on June 30, 2017. Governor Snyder vetoed the Choose Life Plate! There will be no attempt to override the Governor’s veto.
S.B. 163 passed the House on May 25, 2017 with a vote of 65-43. Several pro-choice representatives gave testimony against the bill and several pro-life representatives gave testimony in favor of the bill. Ultimately, the bill passed mostly along party lines with two Democrats voting in favor of the bill. S.B. 163 was voted out of the House Transportation Committee along party lines on May 16, 2017. On May 9, 2017, the House Transportation Committee heard testimony regarding S.B. 163. RLM provided written testimony as they were unable to testify in person because the committee haring coincided with their Legislative Day. Christen Pollo, the executive director for Students for Life of Michigan testified in person on behalf of the Choose Life Plate. Again, bizarre testimony from the opposition included claims that pregnancy resource centers are “baby snatching organizations.” The full Senate voted in favor or S.B. 163 mostly along party lines on April 27, 2017. Pro-choice Senators offered several amendments and gave testimony against the bill. Pro-Life Senators gave excellent testimony and each amendment was voted down. The Senate Transportation Committee voted to approve S.B. 163 along party lines on April 18, 2017. Testimony was given by RLM which addressed claims that pregnancy resource centers were “baby snatching organizations that positioned themselves near college campuses in order to secure white babies from educated women!” Several committee members asked probing questions of the Planned Parenthood representative and RLM’s legislative director. S. B. 163 and H. B. 4222 were introduced on February 15, 2017, and were referred to the Senate and House Transportation Committees, respectively.
S. B. 163 & H.B. 4222 create the Choose Life Michigan fund within the Michigan Treasury where funds from the sale of specialty “Choose Life” license plates will be deposited. Funds generated by the sale of “Choose Life” plates in Michigan will be directed to the Choose Life Michigan fund. The board of the non-profit pro-life committee, Choose Life Michigan, will then dispense the money to organizations that submit grant proposals for specific abortion prevention projects. The bill stipulates that the funds will be used to promote alternatives to abortion, including adoption, provide practical support to pregnant women, and conduct outreach to at-risk populations regarding positive pregnancy options.
Twenty-nine other states offer “Choose Life” specialty plates. Over 21 million dollars have been raised nationwide from the Choose Life plates to aid in life affirming alternatives to abortion. Michigan is the only state along the I-75 corridor that doesn’t have a Choose Life plate, and it has been one of the most requested items by our members. While Governor Snyder claimed he wasn’t going to sign any specialty plate legislation, he has signed four bills into law during his tenure – Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Awareness, Ducks Unlimited, Donate Life and Boy Scouts.
Various forms of this legislation have been introduced in the past seven previous sessions. Governors Granholm and Snyder have effectively blocked passage of the previous bills over those 14 years.