Youth Outreach October 2016

October 2016 – LIFESPAN Youth Mailing

GENERATION TRUTH – All youth, college students and young adults, parents, teachers, principals, campus ministers, youth group leaders, pro-life group leaders, deacons, pastors and priests, and all others who work with young people


October is my favorite month of the year – the Fall season is here and the crisp air feels so good!  At least to me!  : )  I enjoy wearing sweaters and using a cozy blanket at night.  I enjoy hot chocolate, chili and cornbread, hearty stew with carrots, onions, and potatoes and biscuits, apple crisp and vanilla ice cream, pumpkin custard and whipped topping, etc.  Those are the things I look forward to as well as the brilliant colors of the leaves!  And, you know what else…the month of October is set aside each year as RESPECT LIFE MONTH!  It’s a great month!

oldyoung     respectlife     momkid

“Let me make it crystal clear: People who know me well know that I’m pro-life, I don’t apologize for it.  I want to live to see the day that we put the sanctity of life back at the center of American law, and we send Roe v. Wade to the ash heap of history, where it belongs.”  – Governor Mike Pence

     I have heard this man say these words in rally speeches and it is a very powerful message he carries with him throughout the country.  If you are voting for the first time in November or for the 5th, 10th, 20th, or more times, please see the two pieces attached to help you make an informed decision for the most important election in the history of America.  Also, you can contact me at the LIFESPAN office and get a LIFESPAN Voter’s Guide sent to you that will help you make the best choice in your local areas.  Just send an email to me with the subject: VOTER’S GUIDE.  And, be sure to put your name, address, city/state/zip so I can send one to you when we get them into our office.  These informational pieces do not endorse any candidates but give you a guide to use when you go to the voting booth.

     REMINDER…October 31st is the last day of registration for the 2017 “Movement in Motion” Youth Bus Trip to DC.  See this 2016 Bus Trip Flier.  I have heard from several school leaders and youth group leaders at churches who have been promoting the trip and collecting the registrations and payments already.  Please do not wait till October 31st to register!  You will miss your chance to go with us!  Some groups who are joining LIFESPAN will be filling up whole buses, so do not delay in registering!  Contact me through email and I will send you all the forms you need to register and other information you need to know about the trip (like the itinerary).  If you are a student, let me know if you will travel on your own, with a friend, or with a group from school or church.  If you are an adult who wants to come along with your son and/or daughter, let me know that too.  You will have a Chaperone Agreement to fill out.  And, if you are a young adult 18-19 years old, let me know that too.  You will have a Jr. Chaperone agreement to fill out.  Put in the subject line of your email: YOUTH BUS TRIP.  Then I will respond as quickly as possible!

     I have included links below to pro-Life news that I thought may interest you to learn more about.  Please pass along anything I am sending to those you know who could benefit from the information.  Use whatever means you have in communicating through social media.

Have a good month!  Keep on loving LIFE!

Lynn Gura, Youth Director

Right to Life – LIFESPAN


  Compare the Platforms of the Parties

  Compare the Presidential Candidates Ideas on Life Issues









  Struggling with a past abortion? Here are 4 resources to help