2020 Primary Election – Candidate Survey Responses

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Date(s) - 07/01/2020 - 08/05/2020
12:00 am

August 4, 2020 – Primary Election – Where does your Candidate Stand on the Life Issues?

Here are the Responses to our Candidate Survey:

July 2020 LIFESPAN News with Candidate Survey

***Any surveys received after 6/25/20 were not included in our July Newsletter. They are listed in the file below (as of 7/20/20):

Primary Candidate Survey Addl Responses after Newsletter Deadline v3 072020

LIFESPAN sent Surveys to each candidate for President, U.S. Senate, State Senate, Michigan House of Representatives, County Commissioner and various other offices in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties. A Judicial Survey was also sent to each candidate for judicial office in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties, including Appeals Court, Circuit Court, District Court and Probate Court. 

Right to Life – LIFESPAN, Inc. is a non-profit educational and legislative organization. The first informs and motivates people to do something. The second speaks to changing laws. LIFESPAN can take sides and urge passage of legislation which is called lobbying. LIFESPAN is not “political.” LIFESPAN does not have a political action committee (PAC) to elect or to defeat candidates. However, we can publish candidate surveys. This has been clearly permitted on a number of occasions by the U.S. Supreme Court. We can also list office holders and tell you how they have voted on various issues. Such reporting, as we do it, is not “political.” Because this comes under Freedom of the Press, such information can be passed out through churches, without jeopardizing their tax status (again by a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court). According to legal terminology, this corporation can engage in “issue advocacy.” The responses to the survey questions are dependent on the honesty and integrity of the individual candidates. LIFESPAN is not responsible for any candidate’s responses that differ from his or her public stance on the issues. Any questions on discrepancies should be directed to the candidate.

LIFESPAN is not a political organization and DOES NOT endorse candidates for election. If any candidate lists LIFESPAN as an endorser, this is inaccurate and a misrepresentation.

We have surveyed the candidates as a service to our members. The questionnaires are on file at LIFESPAN’s Main Office for your perusal. If you need further verification on a candidate’s stand on these or other issues, please contact the candidate directly.